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As we resume in building worship services we will need to schedule our worship assistants again! The schedulers should be in touch with those who have previously volunteered in those spots. Due to the limits of our AV equipment at the present time, the worship assistants will need to serve from the building, so the schedulers should also be checking to see if you are ok with serving at the church.   As we bring up our new church management systems – we will also be using Elvanto to help schedule and manage our volunteers in worship. Some of you may have already started to get notifications by email about serving. Each time you are scheduled it will email you to ask you to confirm serving on that date. If you are not able to serve, you also will have the ability to swap with others. The system will also remind you by text message 3 days before worship that you are serving in a role on Sunday.   We are also in need of more worship assistants! So if you would like to serve as Assisting Minister, Usher, Acolyte, Offering Counters, Altar Guild, Readers, Digital Sacristan or Communion Assistant – please email the church office ( to get added to get trained and scheduled!