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As we transition into the summer - we are also transitioning to another half of our Liturgical calendar. Our liturgical calendar starts every year with Advent and we take one half of the year to tell the story of Jesus through the festival celebrations of Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter and Pentecost. The second half of the year is time devoted to talking about all the ways the Spirit has filled and equipped the church to live in response to the Good News it heard during the festival half of the year. We call these Sundays - the Sunday's after Pentecost. As we point each week back the event that equipped us to live as the church with the gift of the Holy Spirit. The color for this large chunk of the year is Green. The color for ordinary time also reminds us that we are growing in our walk of discipleship. It's also when the Altar Guild (the volunteers who help prepare the sanctuary for worship each week) rejoices because they don't have to change out the Altar Paraments!!